Saturday, January 3, 2009

By Popular Demand.

The Diarrhea Debacle of '05.

(In the interest of time, censorship and well, personal challenge, I have decided to share the story in the form of an extended Haiku. enjoy. )

children are pooping
filling diapers, soaking towels
under their bottoms.
children are rashy
bottoms need airing
(home teacher is coming by).
baby is standing
removing diaper, pooping
into playroom vent.
new carpet ruined.
mother is crying aloud.
children are pooping.
(I know, it doesn't look like a Haiku. I wrote it in three stanzas, but it won't publish that way. Bummer. Pardon the pun.)


Unknown said...

Sounds like loads of fun! When alexis has been sick I always get out a huge comforter and try and keep her on that, It saved us when she was throwing every drop of formula up for a week.

Chris said...

Thanks for relieving that moment with us. That really stinks! I bet it was a blast. Well, I've got to runs, I mean, run.

kthom said...

I like you even MORE than I did BEFORE... simply by reading this post! -Kari