Saturday, June 5, 2010

Catching up- Winter 2009/2010 edition...

The Annual Jones family Christmas Tree retrieval... (this year much less adventurous- just went to the local tree farm...)

... a super-cute Pre-K program... Can you spot the trio?

Miss Maggie celebrated her SECOND birthday in Princess (ELLA!) style...

...which included a really cute Living Nativity with her little friends...

Christmas Eve meant dinner at Grandma's!

...and after-dinner stories...

and gifts- Jammies and snuggly things to sleep with (girls had handmade dolls, Charlie had a handmade puppy, Henry got a sock monkey)

Christmas morning- full of ANTICIPATION!

(and STILL wearing our bows!)
(Charlie can't wait to get into the GOLDEN Santa presents... :)

...or any of the rest of it, for that matter!)

Monkey see, monkey do!

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