Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy (belated) Bday Annie!

I can't believe I'm the mother of a seven year old. I have been so blessed to have my vivacious, sweet and loving little Annie in my life. She is funny, super-creative and sensitive and I can't imagine our family without her! Her bday was on the 16th and we celebrated by going to Rainforest Cafe for dinner, then "High School Musical- The Ice Tour" at Key arena. It was a BLAST.

Seven Things I Adore about Annie: (please indulge me a moment of bragging...)

1. Her SMILE. Annie is such a happy girl! She always has something exciting to tell me! She is beautiful!

2. Her "IDEAS". She is pretty much the most creative child I know- always coming up with inventions or really well-thought out suggestions about how to do things. (I really loved the underpants sling-shot, by the way, A...)

3. Her PASSION for learning. Annie LOVES to read- always has. In fact, some of her favorite pasttimes are reading, listening to audio books, and learning about history or science. She knows her scriptures and gives lots of lessons at family home evening. She has a broad knowledge base of so many things- I'm so pleased that she has developed this love.

4. Her ART. Annie has a stunning ability to notice and recall details. She draws beautiful pictures and always amazes me with her "fashion" creations and other things.

5. Her SENSE OF HUMOR. Oh, she didn't stand a chance with two crazy people as her parents. She's a hoot. I love how she makes me laugh.

6. Her COMPASSION. I love watching Annie "play" soccer. She spends the whole time helping kids up when they fall down- no matter what team they are on. It's so sweet. She has the same love for her siblings (though they do make her nuts more often than not) and she always wants to make breakfast for Jim and I and do whatever she can to help.

7. Her desire to do what's RIGHT. Annie is a good girl. She is very concerned about justice- about fairness and kindness. (Maybe she'll be a lawyer someday...)

I love you, Annie. My life is so much better for having you in it. I thank Heavenly Father every day that He thought me worthy to be your mommy. You are an amazing big sister and daughter and I'm so grateful we have your personality in our home! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Cassie Jensen said...

That was so sweet, Amber! It brought tears to my eyes! We all love that Annie- Thanks for sharing!