Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Four Things I love about my Henry:

1. His smile is full of mischief, and his eyes twinkle when he gets a naughty idea, usually an indicator that something is afoot...

2. He has a crush on his primary teacher ("Mom, do my hair in a Superman curl. Jenny likes it like that...I want to wear that tie, Jenny likes it...")

3. He loves a challenge- he's organized and methodical, my type A child...

4. He is strong, wiry and fast. Against the odds.

Henry was my NICU boy- his lungs weren't quite ready for his body, but he was ready for this mortal existence. He grabs life by the horns and finds joy in even the smallest things. He is a sweet boy and he amazes me every day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Henry cracks me up! He is a hoot to have around! Thanks for sharing your kids with me in primary!